This website is a JP domain name
registered through The
Japan Registry Service Co., LTd (JPRS) was established on
I checked the availability of my domain at
I followed instructions at which were all in Japanese about steps for registering a JP domain name.
That linked me to a list of designated operators that handle JP domain names. I decided to register directly with the Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. designated company JPDirect.
I opted to pay for ドメイン名登録 (Domain Registration) for 1 year and サーバー証明書発行 (Server Certificate Issuance). I wanted to have HTTPS and I did not consider using Let's Encrypt. Maybe for the renewal, I might relook at that.
This later prompted me to create a Key and CSR for the website. The instructions of JPRS サーバー証明書発⾏サービス were pretty great and I just followed through. This included creating a Key and CSR and filling it out appropriately.
openssl genrsa -out servername.key 2048
openssl req -new -key servername.key -out server.csr -sha256
openssl req -noout -text -in server.csr
I pasted the CSR generated into the application screen to apply for a server certificate. This total set me back ¥3,650 for the domain name and ¥10,900 for the certificate.
Then I got an email that my server certificate is ready!
After all that, now I got a Japanese Domain Name and Server Certificate and can go about creating my website.
It seemed like they verified my address by my Billing Information if I had to guess. Later I set up an account on AWS to host my website. I can talk more about that in another blog post.